Wednesday, 10 March 2010


Right, chow time!

Time to decide what chemical energy I intend to consume at the middle portion of the day.

Chips, salad, pizza, kebab, rolls, sandwiches, soup, burgers, chocolate, crisps, pasta, cakes, pastries, savouries and baked goods. All of these are available a mere stones throw from where I now sit.

But does it really matter? If I stick to my healthy eating vow or pig out on junk food, to quote Morrisey, what difference does it make?

"But wait!", I hear you all scream in unison, "If you eat chocolate or chips then you'll gain weight and we'll no longer love you".

"And think of your vow to lose weight and get fit, you know, the one we all told you you didn't need to take".

Well gentle souls, fear not, for I am at peace with my culinary choices. Be they sweet, sour, savoury or shite, I intend to enjoy them all, regardless of the perceived pitfalls.

So there.

Can you say the same?

You, yes you. You arrogant hypocrite. You glutinous cretin. What say you? What shall you be dining on this afternoon?

You, who judge me and sneer. Who think nothing of curtailing my eating habits with a withering putdown and in the same breath reach for the Milk Tray!

Damn you!

I care not for your input. I do not crave your approval, let alone seek it. Get your own piece-poke in order before you sully mine.

But worry not. This never happened. I was never really here. You're all simply howling at the menu. You sorrowful fools.

Chicken mayo salad roll with bottled water by the way.
Hyper Smash

Tuesday, 9 March 2010


Winter is receding en masse
We know that such things cannot last
Nothing will stay the same
Hyper Smash

Oh, hi there!

My new blog.

It's basically a chance to catch up on my infantile musings and belligerent grumbling.


Since you all love to hear (read) me wittering on I shall be updating this whenever I can find the generosity in my heart to liven up your dull lives.

You're welcome!

No, really.

No, you.


Love you more.




Love you.


Hyper Smash